Judge Your Riding Level and Ability
People often ask am I good enough to ride this horse?
Here is our guide to judging your horse riding ability
BEGINNER: A rider with little or no experience.
NOVICE: A rider who is comfortable and in control at the walk and/or trot but has limited experience trotting and/or cantering.
INTERMEDIATE: A rider who is confident and in control in all paces (including posting trots, two point canters and gallops), but does not ride regularly.
STRONG INTERMEDIATE: An intermediate rider who is currently riding regularly and is comfortable in the saddle for at least 6 hours per day.
ADVANCED: All of the above plus the ability to handle a spirited horse in open country.
All of our horses are ridden in English style. Western-type saddle experience is considered non-rider, without English riding lesson –one needs to be familiar with English saddles and comfortable with rising trot and canter.
Please give us accurate information about your riding, health, weight and fitness and note that riders will be assessed in the arena before we leave.
We don’t accommodate Children under the age of 10 unless they are strong intermediate riders. Children between the ages of 10 and 13 must be accompanied on the guided ride by an adult.
If you are fit and not overweight, you will be safer, ride better and you and your horse will enjoy yourselves more.
Weight limit for competent, fit riders: MALE RIDERS Weight limit for fit male riders under 170cm 14 stone / 196lbs / 89kg
Weight limit for male riders over 170cm 15 stone / 214lbs. / 97kg
FEMALE RIDERS Weight limit for female riders under 165cm 12 stone / 168lbs/76kg Weight limit for female riders over 165cm 13 stone/182lbs/83kg Weight limit for female riders over 176cm 14 stone/196lbs/89kg
Note: For heavier riders, we may not have suitable horses therefore our rides may be limited.
Please discuss when making a booking.